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Save the Date!

American Craft Beer Week 2017 is May 15-21, 2017 – save the date! We will have specials all week in addition to our celebration Saturday, May 20.

American Craft Beer Celebration

Saturday, May 20, 2017, noon-4pm

8 Tasting Tickets for $15
(Club Members get 20% off on advance purchase tickets!)

American Craft Beer Week

Celebrate Craft Beer with
Wagner Valley Brewing Co
Saturday, May 20, noon-4pm

Beer  |  Food  |  Live Music

Every year across the country Craft Breweries celebrate American Craft Beer and we are bringing together local breweries for a joint celebration at Wagner Valley Brewing Co. On Saturday, May 20th, stop in from noon-4pm at the brewery for some eats by the Ginny Lee Cafe, live music by The Fall Creek Brass Band, and excellent brews from WVBC and 8 guest breweries!



Meet our Guest Breweries!